Posts Tagged ‘Area 51’


Ex-CIA Director confesses!

27 February 2014

Dying ex-CIA employee comes forward with the truth about Area 51 and Aliens.


Bob Lazar

27 February 2014

Bob-LazarRobert “Bob” Lazar (born January 26, 1959) is a controversial individual who claims to have worked as a scientist and engineer, reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S4 near the Area 51 test facility. He claimed to have passed severe tests by US military officials and was warned that if he revealed anything then there is liability that his family would be executed (signed an agreement). He said that the space probe creates its own gravitational pull and it can pull the fabric of space and time towards it. The spacecraft could time travel and teleport itself , hence defying the Theory Of Relativity by Einstein.

Lazar claimed to have worked in 1988 and 1989 as a physicist in S4 allegedly located at Papoose Lake southwest of top secret Area 51 near Groom Dry Lake, Nevada. According to Lazar, S4 serves as a hidden military location for the study and research of extraterrestrial spacecraft, or flying saucers using reverse engineering. Lazar claims he saw nine different extraterrestrial vehicles there and has provided detailed information on the mode of propulsion and other technical details of a disc-shaped vehicle he called the sport model. He also claims to have been working on the fuel which allowed the UFOs to reach high speeds and travel across the universe. This fuel was called Element 115 which was recently discovered on 27th August 2013 . Lazar stated that there was 500 pounds on Earth, all under tests in Area 51. The element works by firing protons into the tip of the element, this then makes the element become Element 116 (Once again the current Element 116 had not yet been discovered at that time), which then instantaneously decays. The new element 116 then becomes unstable and begins to break apart; releasing enormous amounts of energy. The entire process according to Lazar allows the saucers to break conventional laws of gravity by “pulling” space towards them.

Lazar’s credibility was challenged after it was discovered that “schools he was supposed to have attended had no record of him.” He passed the polygraphy test and has a certificate of Massachussets Institute of Technology”’Italic text Lazar only had evidence of attending a community college. ”

Lazar first appeared in the media in an Omni magazine article in the early 1980s. He also appeared on television on a local Las Vegas news program discussing his experience at S4 and Area 51. He was also featured in the Los Alamos Monitor in a story dealing with a jet car he claimed to have built with help from a NASA researcher. The car was built from a jet engine modified and placed on an existing car model. The article stated that Lazar was “a physicist at the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility”.